EsCoLux Steinmanufaktur GmbH
Rosenheimer Platz 6
81669 Munich
Company headquarters:
Höhenweg 13
37269 Eschwege
Phone: +49 (0) 5651 927792
represented by the managing director: Michael Resch
Register number: HRB 289323
Register court: Munich Local Court
All information, data, graphics and publications published by EsCoLux Steinmanufaktur GmbH (EsCoLux) have been carefully researched and compiled to the best of our knowledge and, insofar as they originate from external sources, have been adopted unchanged. However, it is expressly pointed out that no statement or guarantee of completeness and accuracy is given and that there is a possibility of misinterpretation or misuse by users of this offer. Any liability, warranty and guarantee for the contents of this website are excluded to the extent permitted by law. Under no circumstances shall EsCoLux be liable for any direct or indirect damages, indirect damages, consequential damages or loss of profit resulting from the fact that a user has used or utilized the information offered on these Internet pages in any form whatsoever.
All logos, company lettering and illustrations may not be used by users of this information service for their own purposes of any kind whatsoever and are subject without restriction to the copyright and image rights of the owners/sources. Furthermore, it is pointed out that all information from external sources enjoys unrestricted copyright protection in all respects.
Any liability claims and claims for damages by users of this information service against EsCoLux for the aforementioned reasons are excluded. EsCoLux also rejects any legal claims based on misuse by users of this website.
Trademarks: All names and trademarks are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective partners or other companies.